I will start by giving you a warm and cordial greeting, to all of you, the rest of humanity, we are finally all in something together, even if many of our politicians fail to see it and act on it. What a stroke of irony, that as we are on the brink of the point of no return with global climate change, and it doesn’t look like we are heading in the right direction, that now we should be facing another trial, perhaps meant to teach us to stick together once and for all …or go down. Well that became rather dark rather quickly.

I, myself, am not currently self-isolating entirely, but for what it’s worth, am feeling the pain of not seeing most of the people I enjoy spending time with, except on the screen of a live-chat. In these crazy times I will aim to document my experience, and perhaps find that I am not the only one going through this. Here’s a few thoughts from my, isolated, walk through the woods from last weekend. Also here is the corresponding Instagram post. The story behind the images is below them.

This isn’t news, but this whole Coronavirus ( #COVID-19 ) thing …it’s bad. With people secluded in their homes for the most part, stores closed, social lives, for the most part, put on hold …well it’s not a far stretch to go down that path until a strange form of depression sets in. Some call it “Plague Dread,” (Link 1 below) others say it’s “grief” (Link 2 below), but whatever it is, it’s sweeping the land and affecting most everyone and everything around it. During my time of “social distancing,” last weekend, I put together a few images to share, which show aspects of this city during this time. A friend told me I managed to make, what was a lovely walk, into something that looks depressing and sad. I might share the colour versions as well eventually, I might.

Link 1: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-anxiety/608317/

Link 2: https://hbr.org/2020/03/that-discomfort-youre-feeling-is-grief

Location of the woods: Borden Wetlands, Kitchener, Ont. https://goo.gl/maps/RVg829S8m479s4zX7

Image 1: Even the Canada geese seem to partake in the social distancing, in their own way.

Image 2: The trees, like the people, silently waiting for it all to pass over.

Image 3: I promised this tree stump that I would immortalize him… so here he is.

Image 4: One of the boulders I photographed. I do that; I find boulders and I photograph them, to the confusion of my friends.

Image 5: A mural celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday (back in 2017) | In the plaza at Activa Avenue and Max Becker Drive, Kitchener, Ont.

Image 6: Next to the mural from Image 5 is another one meant to depict, I believe, the diversity of our local community. Of course somebody had to graffiti on it…

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