While preparing other posts and images for posting, I will share this little moment of awakening that I’ve had today while looking at one of the images that were produced after today’s fun shoot with fellow photographer and friend, Marko Kovacevic.

Looking at it I feel it speaks very plainly and frankly about the nature of being a photographer, detailedly described in shades of gray. It is one of those images that you end up producing every now and then, that really shock you coming out of your hands, and stays with you somewhere in the back of your mind; and you never fully manage to credit yourself with the creation of it, almost as if photography itself took it, by means of your hand. At least this is the case for me with this image and other ones.

What I feel this image would say if it had lips is: “The nature of the photographer is that of the warrior who is not out to kill, torture, or destroy; but out to do a job just as important, as demanding, as engaging, as exciting and as relevant; to be the eyes of the world” or something like that.

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