You all heard that Snickers from Mars is coming!

…well Snickers from Mars is HERE! It is the new design to this web site. It features a new approach to the site controls and quite a few additions. One of the features that is worth mentioning is the fact that the design itself is going to be published as Open Source. For those of you who have not the slightest clue as to what on earth Open Source is, no worries, I shall explain.

I have worked for a very long time to create the infrastructure for this web site; and for an even longer time worked on figuring out how to get HTML and CSS code to do that which I want it to do, picking and choosing elements from different photography web sites and trying to adapt them to my own. There are very few good designs on the web that are freely available to be downloaded and used (most of the ones available are from Tofurious, who is a wonderful human being), so this is what I will do. Now before you ask me for the link, it’ll be a few days before I get everything sorted out in terms of packaging up the files nicely, but they’ll be out soon!

Make sure to check out the main page for more details about the new theme!


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