As I logged in I realized how long it’s been since the last time and I felt ashamed. It took me quite a bit to pull myself out of the whirlwind that I got myself into recently. Let me tell you I have brainstormed the place I am at artistically, as well as businessi-ly and I found that my activity as well as my presentation to the world did not quite coincide with the place where I found myself to be. I have made some decisions about a few changes that you will notice in the next while, I will elaborate on them below; oh and feel free to press play on the following video. I personally enjoy some quiet inspirational music while reading and/or writing and perhaps I can share that with you.

End of Childhood – Jane Eyre Movie Soundtrack by Dario Marianelli. Once again I found an awesome soundtrack and I am quite excited to see to what extent the film will create the same emotions as the music alone.

Teaching Workshops:
As you may have noticed recently, at the top of this page you can find a link that takes you to my Workshop page. For a long time I had wanted to put together workshops on different photography topics and teach them. I have this thing, you see, about sharing the things that I care about with other like-minded people; or maybe it is me having a thing for hearing my own voice while having a bunch of people watching me (that would definitely explain my frequent visits to Little Bean Cafe on Thursdays for Karaoke). Either way, the Stefan Chirila Workshop series is here and it is here to stay, with a few additions to be expected during this coming summer.

The Blog:
Some of the more radical changes that are to come will in regards to the blog. One of the things I mind the most about it is the very fact that it is a blog, and not much more than a blog. At the very least I would like it to be more of a site, where people can get a more varied spectrum of information on what to expect from working with me as a photographer, and perhaps something for those who want to know more about me the living, breathing and sometimes biking, person. Besides this, I would also like the site to be a place where not only people looking for a photographer can find something useful to read; but also photographers themselves (tutorials, reviews) and art lovers (artwork critique). I am even thinking about moving towards the idea of a video blog, but for that I would have to first get over a few elements of my shy nature, so don’t get your hopes up too soon.

Either way, in order to accommodate these notions, a new design is needed. I insist on something simple and intuitive, where the command controls do not overpower the mood that the web site is meant to set. So in other words, due to me being so picky, I am bound to design the new interface, again, from scratch, as I have for the one present now. Here is a sample of my creative design process for the new look of the blog/site. It doesn’t look too incredibly different, yet anyway, since there are some integral parts of the present design that I like quite a lot and that I will keep.

The menu, however will be slightly different, which, regrettably, is a part of the design not showing in this image. It will however be rather intuitive and accommodate both the standard screen sizes as well as the ultra-large Mac monitors (that I am so jealous of), as well as mobile devices such as iPhones, or some of the more modest screen resolutions (such as 800×600).

Fund Raiser for world-wide education

A friend of mine who is an aspiring journalist, Brigitte Szucs pointed me recently to this video that she made in regards to a fund raiser.

It is possible to donate directly through this web site.

New images:
Now, for those of you who have been hungering for some new visual material from me, here are the images:

Pianist: Beatriz Boizan

Pianist: Beatriz Boizan

With a few friends, Maria, Robyn and Juan David at Hilton Falls, Ontario | We were roasting some sausages, some shrimp skewers and shared a bottle of rose wine. It was a great way to spend a day celebrating love and togetherness.

Maria – At Hilton Falls, Ontario

Corinna – At Hilton Falls, Ontario | Corinna is from Germany; visiting Canada, after having been to New Zealand and the U.S.A. We met at Little Bean Cafe about a month ago at a game of Foosball and quickly befriended. She is not as dorky as I am when it comes to photography but loves it nevertheless.

Corinna – At Hilton Falls, Ontario


At Hilton Falls, Ontario

Squirrel At Hilton Falls, Ontario | When we entered the park we were given some seeds to feed the birds. That squirrel however, proved to have been way hungrier than any of the birds. In an excess of courage, it attacked the seed bag that was on the pick-nick table next to us. I didn’t even have the camera handy at first, but the squirrel kept coming back, so eventually I got lucky.

Taken March 16 2011, 4 days before the full moon. The moon was the closest to Earth that it had been for 20 years during that time. Buy this as a high quality enlarged print here.

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