Well, I officially as of now know what inspired people to have Halloween at this time of year…
The other day I went for a walk downtown, by my favourite places, and took some images there, and the dark overcast looked spooky. First though, in the morning I met up with a new friend, Cristian (over at Matter Of Taste Cafe, downtown Kitchener); he is a fellow photographer and he let me play with his awesome 35mm f1.8 lens! I was debating recently whether that or the 85mm 1.8 should be the next lens I aim to buy (definitely a fixed focal), but as I got to try this one out, I am strongly inclined to say that my next lens will be the 35mm! Check it out below!

That’s him on top left, and me in the two smaller Stefan-sized images on the right. Cristian is responsible for the beautiful bird’s-eye image of the coffee-cup and I am responsible for the poorly composed, tilted coffee-cup below it *sigh*

And now that I had another sip of my coffee I can continue. After Cristian departed, I went to a meeting with the people involved with the Inner Beauty 2010 event, over at Little Bean coffee shop (for some more coffee) and eventually I started my walk through my favourite parts of downtown.

The first place I head to, when I walk through my favourite areas of downtown Kitchener, is the area around Joseph Street, Oak Street, Linden Avenue and Victoria Street. I love those old warehouses, the tower and the old Lang Tannery. >>Map.<< If you click on the Map link to your left, then you will see the little warehouses on the left side. Well, they don’t exist any more …as I mentioned in a previous blog post. I am rather upset about that, since I liked them a lot. But now, because of them not being there any more, I have access to the smoke stack, which somehow was left standing and which you can see in the picture I posted above here.

More panorama images of this area to come below here. I went all panorama-crazy AgAiN and took some 50 images which will drain my ram to put together, so I will do so in the days to come.

Next, I got to Victoria Park. I saw a woman there with two children. She was feeding an army of ducks! She had a doughnut in her hand and she was swarmed of them flying beasties!

Just check out how ghostly Victoria Park looked. Maybe I’m exaggerating but I think it did…

Today as I was browsing facebook, I noticed someone’s favourite quotation was by a Romanian poet, Octavian Paler, and it was titled “Interview With God”. I really liked it so I translated it for you:

Interview With God
by Octavian Paler

“So, you’d like to interview me…” said God.
“If you have time …” said I.

Then God smiled and said:
“My time-frame is eternity …so what would you ask Me?”

I asked:
“What is it that surprises you most about people?”

And God replied:
“The fact that they get bored of childhood, they are in a hurry to grow up, then they crave to be children again; that they lose their health for the sake of making money and then spend their money trying to recover it; the fact that they think about the future with fear, forgetting the present and end up living out neither the present nor the future; that they live out their lives as if they would never die, but end up, when they do die, feeling as if they had never lived at all.”

Then God took my hand and we were both quiet for a while. Then I asked:

“As a parent, what are some valuable life lessons You would want Your children to learn?”

He replied:
“To learn that it only takes seconds to slice deep wounds into the heart of those that love them and that it takes whole years for those to heal; to learn that one called rich, is not the one who owns the most, but the one who needs the least; to know that there are those who love them, but simply know not how to express it; to learn that indeed two can stare at the same object and view it in two completely different ways; to learn that aside from forgiving one another, they need to be able to forgive themselves as well.”

So gratefully I thanked Him:
“Thank you for the time you have given me, but, there is one more thing… What would you want people to know?”

Then He smiled and replied:
“Just that I am here …always”

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