I met the Anthony family through a photographer friend, Marko Kovacevic, one day this last summer as we met to discuss photography Downtown Kitchener. They were with him over at the Kitchener Children’s Museum watching an event when I joined in. One topic led to another and eventually we found ourselves talking about family portraits. Of course I right away mentioned I am a photographer and offered my services to them.

A few months later, around Christmas 2009 (it sounds so long ago when really it was less then 20 days ago) they contacted me asking about booking a day for a photography session with me. And the rest is history.

I must say that photography has influenced my life in many ways, art often making it easier for one to see past the shroud of the material world and glimpse into universal truth, but today I will not get into those kinds of things …today I will just say how photography taught me to appreciate winter. I know I live in Canada, and I very much love this wonderful country which is a now a home to me, but, I am not a fan of the cold and I do not hold it as predictable that that would change any time soon. I like the warmth of summer. I also enjoy the romantic and artsy breezy edge of autumn, but that is about as far as my liking for the cold goes. So naturally I never was much of a fan of winter… until recently I noticed what awesome artwork can come out of the warm of a family’s love melting the icy breath of the South Ontario January air. Without further ado, here is the Anthony Family!

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