It is time once again for Stefan to do some nature photography. I miss going out into town and capturing the warmth of summer, the intense greens of the grass, the ageless emotion of the old buildings downtown and to once again enjoy a day spent biking on the trails in town.

Boy, I sound like I’m going through a mid-life crisis.

No joke though, I very seriously plan to hit the trails one of these days and visit some of these places below. They are some of my favourites:

These past three images are from the Kitchener-Waterloo Hydro Trail that is found at the West end of town, south of the end of University Avenue. This trail leads out of the city, past St. Agatha, far, almost all the way to Stratford. The entrance is a bit down Glasgow street, before hitting the railway

Also these three photographs are available as prints of various sizes in my RedBUBBLE gallery: Click Here

Here’s a map to the place with the images above:

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Oak Street, off of Victoria, a bit west of the intersection with King. This is one of my most favourite historical locations in Kitchener.

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